
Greetings! I am Jessica Bingaman, Parenting Coach. I am here to partner with you in your role as a parent, bringing practical guidance and ancestral wisdom.

Blooming the next Generation

As a young mother, I was often compelled to chart my own course. I chose to birth naturally, nurse longer than the cultural norm, homeschool, and use traditional remedies over Western medicine when possible. There were many times that I wished there was someone to coach me through my alternative choices or just listen while I processed how I would walk through the next stage of parenting. 30 years of parenting later, I want to offer you the support I was looking for.

I have worn a lot of hats in my life! I am a retired Certified Professional Midwife, was a La Leche League Leader for over 10 years, have given classes on traditional remedies, homeschooled all of my children from preschool through high school graduation, rehabilitated raptors with my youngest daughter, and even owned a restaurant with my family (multi-tasking to the max). You can learn more about sourdough baking and the things I love on my other website Bloom Online.

It is my desire to use all that I learned and sometimes struggled to put into practice to support the relationships in your growing family.

If you feel that you would benefit from this kind of support, please contact me for a free consultation.


Session and on-call prices are not set with a traditional 1 hour time limit. Instead, we will work together until you are armed with specific, practical ideas and solutions.

Sessions can be done in person, on Video Chat, or over the phone.

Pre-conception Coaching

Learn about optimal nutrition and discuss birth options. Discover traditional resources that help couples become pregnant when the medical model is not your 1st choice or hasn’t worked.

Session $150

Breastfeeding & Newborn Care

I recently created a new curriculum to teach breastfeeding & newborn care at the Wise Woman Collective regularly. These are low-cost group classes that you are welcome to contact me about. Some mothers prefer a one-on-one class, though. If you have struggled to breastfeed in the past, are concerned about how to make nursing fit into your specific work schedule, or just prefer learning in your own space, I will bring all of my props, slideshow, and knowledge to you! It is always my commitment to leave no question unanswered, and you will also be able to use a tune-up as a one-time newborn visit after birth.

Session $200

Newborn- 6 Months

This offering is where the heart of this program started. Many parents still have loads of questions or feel they need lots of support after they end postpartum care! This is where on-call coaching comes in. Picking up where your midwife or doctor left off, I am available (even at 2AM) for parenting questions, from breastfeeding and sleep questions to sibling relationships. I am always just a Video Chat or phone call away.

$600 for 1 month or

$1,500 per quarter

School Choices

Many parents are asking new questions about the best environment to educate their children. If you are wondering about alternatives to public school, I am here to discuss all the options!

Session $150

Let’s Talk About Sex

When I speak at and attend women’s groups, there is always a subject that presents itself once the topics of parenting and marriage have been covered. S-E-X. Our sex education is dismal at best, and the information generally offered about how to work a fantastic sex life into a busy family is worse. If you never really learned how your body works or are struggling to balance kids and romance, let’s talk sex.

Session $200

Birth Planning

Many parents are overwhelmed by the choice between a home, hospital, or birth center birth. Should you hire a doula? What childbirth classes are best? This session provides information as you plan.

Session $150

1 Time Consult OR 6 Months & Beyond

You are experiencing a bump in the road. Your child has an ear infection, and you want to skip the antibiotics for the first time. You are welcoming a new sibling and want to discuss how to manage the introduction and first weeks. Your baby is having a growth spurt, and nursing is difficult. Book a session to make a plan based on your goals and values.

Session $150


Sometimes, a client makes a plan and needs a follow-up session to fine-tune it. Tune-up meetings are available for anyone who needs a little more coaching!

Session $85

Vibrant Peri-Menopause & Beyond

Did you know that once you complete menopause, your hormones stay in the creative, balanced state you experience during ovulation for the rest of your life!? Our culture has it wrong when it suggests that the change is something to dread. Let’s talk about simple lifestyle, diet, and supplement shifts that can make this transition smooth and gentle.

Session $200

Trauma, Anxiety, & Inner-Child Work

More often than not, our childhood experiences and/or current stressors make parenting (and living) the hardest. These sessions are designed to help you process old stories and experiences while learning new tools to create the life of your choosing.

Session $200